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A terminal joint is used in continuously reinforced concrete pavement (see CRCP) to transition to another pavement type or to a bridge structure. They are found at the beginning and end of a CRC paving job, as well as spaced periodically in between, depending on the length of the job. Their function is to (1) isolate adjacent pavement types or structures, and (2) anchor the CRCP so that excessive movement does not occur. Terminal joints accomodate differential horizontal movements and prevent damage between a pavement and another pavement or structure. Because pavement performance can be significantly affected by the planned use and location of terminal joints, care should be taken in their design.
Design of Terminal Joints
There are a number of terminal joint designs in service today. The performance of some designs have been better than others. The following figures illustrate the recommended and possible terminal joint designs:
Figure 1. Recommended Terminal Design
Figure 2. Other Possible Terminal Designs
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