Annual National Awards for Excellence in Concrete Pavement
Thank you to everyone who submitted a project for this year's award program. Winners of the 23rd annual "Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards" will be formally recognized at the Association's 49th Annual Meeting Awards Banquet on Friday, November 30th at the Marco Island Marriott Beach Resort, Golf Club & Spa located in Marco Island, Fla.
About the Paving Awards Program
The ACPA Annual Awards for Excellence in Concrete Pavement are designed to honor quality concrete pavements constructed in the United States and Canada each year. The awards program encourages high-quality workmanship in every concrete pavement project and serves as a forum for sharing information about highly successful projects.
The awards program recognizes contractors, engineers, and project owners who completed outstanding projects. Winning an Award for Excellence in Concrete Pavement provides the contractors, engineers, and owners with a level of prestige that can assist them in the development of future projects.
2012 Award Winners
Click here to view the Gold and Silver winners of ACPA’s 23rd Annual Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards. Click here to view award recipients from the 22nd Annual Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards.
The National awards recognize the contractors, engineers, and owners whose efforts yield the best pavements in airports, highways, and street and road applications, as determined by an independent panel of judges. Special thanks go to representatives from a number of companies and organizations for their generous support and assistance as judges of awards this year.
Did your company supply materials or equipment used in the 2012 award-winning projects? If os, please email ACPA at or call 847.423.8703.